Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 4 - Ty Hywel



Meeting date:
7 February 2013


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Siân Phipps
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8582

Ffion Emyr Bourton
Deputy Committee Clerk







Pre-meeting (09.45 - 09.55)



1.   Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2.   Inquiry into Integrated Public Transport - Evidence session (09.55 - 10.55)  (Pages 1 - 9)


Passenger Transport Executive Group


Jonathan Bray, Director of the Passenger Transport Executive Group Support Unit  



3.   Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:   


Item 4 (10.55-11.15)






4.   Discussion of Business Committee's letter about committee timetables  (Pages 10 - 16)
